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Kolin is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant (CMPC) with the Association of Applied Sport Psychology, and Professional Member with the Canadian Sport Psychology Association. He holds a Bachelor of Human Kinetics in Physical Education, and Masters of Education in Coaching Science from the University of British Columbia, a Masters of Business Administration from Athabasca University in St. Albert, and a Doctorate of Education in Sport and Performance Psychology from the University of Western States in Portland, Oregon.

Kolin takes an interdisciplinary approach to mental performance combining aspects from the physical, technical, tactical, cognitive, and psychological domains. He uses research and evidence based techniques to create a client centered program to allow clients to build the best version of their career both on and off the field of play.

Practice Areas:

Athlete Wellness (load management, mental wellbeing/health, personal development, life skills). Athlete Transitions (transition into and out of high performance sport) Building Elite Habits Building Resilient Athletes Coach & Program Support Developing Team Cohesion Essential Athletes Education Mental Skills Training (athletic identity, goal setting, self-talk, routines, mental toughness, concentration, focus, distractions and choking, imagery/visualization, emotional management, and handling performance errors and setbacks).

Kolin is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant (CMPC) with the Association of Applied Sport P... Read More

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